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单词 come up to 例句大全,用单词come up to造句:

Regular meeting from the move on TV a lot of good advertisement come up to the network.
Im afraid this product doesnt come up to scratch.
很遗憾, 这个产品没能达到标准。
People would come up to me after the conference, after my talk, men and women.
人们在演讲后找到我 不论男女
Take out the horses quickly, and come up to me, said Andrea to his groom.
Anyhow, they failed to come up to their standard this time.
If put a condition apt come up to say, indeed is greatly negative the stuff of path is no.
若是放到了场面上来说, 简直是大逆不道之事。
Herds of seals come up to the Grand Banks specially at this time to share in the bonanza.
大群海豹特别在这时候来大浅滩 要分一杯羹
Your behavior does not come up to the expected standard.
When she come up to me, I saw her trousers, and found the trousers was tied a knot at the place beneath her thighs.
走近了, 我看到她的裤管, 从大腿处就打了结。
The two bills come up to two hundred and thirty yuan.
Come up to return back to pronunciation, biography few in every day whom to should rather for to make let everybody study.
Can you see the blackboard clearly If not, come up to the front.
你们能看清黑板吗?? ? 不能, 向前来一点。
Then each trembling newbie had to come up to the front and briefly introduce themselves.
When you visit Britain next year, please come up to Edinburgh for a few days.
failing to come up to the mark.
Come up to the stage.
Every candidate for entry has to come up to a certain physical standard.
They shoot a cannon over the water, and that makes him come up to the top.
They were firing a cannon over the water and were trying to make my body come up to the top of the water.
他们在向水面上发射大炮, 企图使我的尸首浮出水面。
Veronica had come up to him with her usual cheery smile.
Harry's girlfriend doesn't come up to his chest.
My son has come up to my chin.
I'd like to invite Chuck and Michael to come up to the stage, and Bill also.
The concert not come up to expectations.
He should show a sense of urgency and come up to Congress, and tell us exactly what he plans to do.
他应该展示迫切感, 去国会告诉我们他到底打算做什么。
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单词 come up to 释义

  • 单词释义:达到;将近;来到近旁;比得上  [更多..]



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