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单词 every time 例句大全,用单词every time造句:

Come every time is menstrual abdomen always very ache how to do.
After all, doctors rely on such differences every time they palpate your abdomen.
毕竟, 每次腹部触诊医生依靠得就是这种差异。
The characteristics of the habitual abortion is often occur in the same every time abortion in pregnancy.
At every time, they had gone away for your absence.
来过三次了, 每次见你不在, 又走了。
They seem to have never been formally say goodbye. Every time, are absolutely different.
We get absorbed in discussion for several hours every time we meet.
Every time he jumps up, he gets all sorts of abuse.
He keeps shouting abuse in the street every time he is drunk.
I was gonna stay mad at you another hour, but your damn accent gets me every time.
我本打算再生一小时气 但你可恶的口音总让我无法抗拒。
Every time he said it, I agreed completely, accepted the guilt, bought everything in the store.
Every time he and I are not the expression of the state, is all of a sudden or accidental.
他每次都在我没表情的状态的出现, 是突然还是偶然。
Every time you make a change to a file, you run the risk of accidentally making more mistakes.
每次你更改文件, 你也冒着意外地增加更多的错误的风险。
A Kanban should accompany each item, every time.
To do well every time period's stocktaking work according to the schedule.
Every time transfer the capital, should check capital by accounting institutes.
每次打入资金, 都必须请会计事务所做一次验资报告。
True poetry accumulate meaning every time it is read.
Accumulate a dozen eggs every time, I sell fund with respect to meeting go off with.
每次累积到一打蛋, 我就会拿去卖钱。
True poetry accumulates meaning every time it is read.
The specially designed2 tsp. spoon is calibrated to deliver an accurate dose of medication every time.
What medicine treats dysmenorrhoea most does the canal use A? Why I am met every time very ache!
See every time or hear their achievement, I always can flush hot tear.
每当看到或听到他们的事迹, 我总会涌出热泪。
First, every time you celebrate an achievement, be thankful to those who made it possible.
Every time when I heard the applause and laughter from the audience, I felt a sense of achievement, he says.
每当听到观众的掌声和笑声时, 我都很有成就感。他说。
Trapeze acrobatics is her favorite performance every time she goes to the circus.
It happens to me every time I walk across campus.
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单词 every time 释义

  • 单词释义:无论何时,任何时候  [更多..]



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