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单词 food stall 例句大全,用单词food stall造句:

Here we usually go to eat seafood at a night food stall or in a buffet.
这儿, 我们经常去夜排档或自助餐厅吃还海鲜。
Fresh local seafood and cheap, you can choose to taste the waterfront street food stall.
Our daily food stall to eat the staff meal even not as good as the meal!
而我们, 每天吃连大排档的员工餐都不如的饭菜!
The word food stall has a long history, and its connotation has been enriched and changed with the times.
Are there any restaurants of food stalls within your premises? If so please provide description?
I run this roadside food stall.
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单词 food stall 释义



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