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单词 take good care of 例句大全,用单词take good care of造句:

I accepted my mother's charge to take good care of my baby sister.
If after my shrew take good care of me, that is, I do not accuse me of the mouth also!
我的泼妇以后要是把我照顾好了, 就是骂我我也不还口!
It is our duty to take good care of the advanced in years.
We're in a position to take good care of your import business a buying agent.
W're in a position to take good care of your import business as a buying agent.
As a buying agent we can take good care of your import business.
He is agonized with shame when remembering that he did not take good care of his father in his final years.
Take good care of yourself in the yare ahead.
在未来的一年, 请多加珍重。
Since he likes an angel, we gotta take good care of him.
And that you can take good care of an animal.
Let us take good care of our minds. If a hint of evil arises in our minds, we must immediately extinguish it.
They clasped hands, each asking the other to take good care of himself.
两人紧紧握手, 互道珍重。
Be assured, we will take good care of her.
He also asked the train attendants to take good care of me.
The Lady Dowager ordered his attendants to take good care of him and bring him back after a rest.
一时宝玉倦怠, 欲睡中觉, 贾母命人好生哄着, 歇一回再来。
Your aunt karen's going to take good care of you.
One should take good care of his spleen, and stomach to avoid fridge syndrome.
为了防止冰箱病, 必须平时就注意保养脾胃。
Take good care of yourself, she said in her heart, silently wishing him well.
多保重吧, 她心里暗暗地对他祝福道。
Take good care of your belongings.
谨慎每秒钟, 财物免失踪。
Please take good care of books.
Please take good care of yourself!
Take good care of yourselves.
nd take good care of yourself.
Please take good care of the toys.
Please take good care of the books.
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单词 take good care of 释义

  • 单词释义:爱护;爱护备至;顾惜  [更多..]



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