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单词 be worried about 例句大全,用单词be worried about造句:

to be worried about something/ somebody
担心某事/ 某人
I just can't take the advice that I shouldn't be worried about stammering.
有人建议我不要担心口吃, 但我就是听不进去。
You'd think he'd be worried about staying alive.
Don't be worried about your arms and legs falling asleep, it happens to everyone.
Jessie Good point. Would you be worried about autograph hunters following you around all the time
Tomorrow's worries should be worried about tomorrow.
I'm supposed to be worried about my daughter.
It all sounds rather disconcerting, but should you be worried about this
这些听起来挺然人不安得, 但是你应该为这个担心吗?
It all sounds rather disconcerting, but should you be worried about this?
They were diving at the local freshwater lake sothere was nothing to be worried about, he reasoned.
他坚信这是片清澈的海域, 因此没什么好担心的。
Take a firm hold on yourself, there's really not much to be worried about.
And at last you do not be worried about me motorbike riding.
I shouldn't be worried about your little moonlight stroll last night?
我不用担心 你俩昨晚的月下漫步?
Should I be worried about this?
You have a life of plenty, what would you be worried about?
I't s only human nature to be worried about change.
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单词 be worried about 释义

  • 单词释义:为…忧虑,烦恼的  [更多..]



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