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单词 more than 例句大全,用单词more than造句:

A dream is just a dream, but it may be more than a dream
嗯, 明天也做个好梦。
A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is.
鲸之非鱼, 无异于马之非鱼。
I have said more than once that stability is of overriding importance and that we cannot abandon the peoples democratic dictatorship.
我不止一次讲过, 稳定压倒一切, 人民民主专政不能丢。
They investigate to find more than 800 pounds of marijuana abandoned on the riverbank.
他们前去查看时发现在河岸上丢弃了超过800磅 大麻。
The ' Dear Abby ' column in a week typically receives more than 10, 000 letters.
It claims to have freed more than 500 abducted by the group.
You know Abel was delayed more than one year.
你们都知道亚 该拖了一年多。
Voters evidently dislike tax increases much more than they abhor spending cuts.
显然, 与讨厌削减支出相比, 选民更憎恶增加税收。
She owes her success to good luck more than to ability.
His ambition outran his ability, ie He was ambitious to do more than he was able.
The rage of a wild boar is able to spoil more than one wood.
We have more than we're ever gonna be able to spend anyway.
we're able to more than quadruple the productivity of the surgeon.
By working together, each was able to do more than his best.
The question is more than the boy is able to work out.
More than likely to go in circles, if only its master and this spellcaster remain aboard.
More than a third of the posts in the investigation division were abolished.
The situation is very abominable more than you can stand.
Which group of Aboriginal peoples make up more than half the population of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut The Inuit people.
It was the first killing of an American abortion doctor in more than a decade.
The government has categorized more than 320, 000 foreigners as alien absconders.
政府已经将超过320, 000得外国人认定为在逃移民。
Huangs wife and one of the main financial cuckoo have absconded, involving more than Major cases.
黄的老婆杜鹃和一主要财务人员已潜逃, 涉及多起重大案件。
Absence of more than two first premolars or absence of a first and a second premolar.
Late absence or early leave more than three times in a month.
And, in all sincerity, can anything more than the absence of plunder be required of the law?
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单词 more than 释义

  • 单词释义:不只是;很;超过;在…次以上;多余  [更多..]



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