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单词 o’clock 例句大全,用单词o’clock造句:

I’m having a party to celebrate my 28th birthday next Saturday. First, we are having dinner at 7 o’clock near Gangnam station. I need to know around how many people are coming in order to make dinner reservations, so please let me know asap. After dinner and a few drinks, we are going to Club Answer where I have a VIP table on the second floor. Just say my name to get free entrance. If you have any problems just call me on my cell 010-123-4567. Hope to see you guys on Saturday!
How about at 3 o’clock?
Yes, 3 o’clock will be fine.
Can you come this evening at 8 o’clock?
Come on 6 o’clock! I wanna go home already!

单词 o’clock 释义



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