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单词 one by one 例句大全,用单词one by one造句:

One by one each of the seven passengers aboard a sailboat cruise begin to disappear.
Everyone get your festive gift one by one according to your number plates, please.
Everybody may act according to own likes carrying on the choice one by one.
To achieve the purpose of Frodo and overcome difficulties one by one.
弗罗多为了达成目的, 克服了一个又一个困难。
Glorious stride achievements one by one
And, one by one, he added them to his marble bag.
于是, 他就一个接一个地将它们捡起, 放到自己的大理石包里。
Additional, because bowl is too small, can annulus decoct, namely one by one decoct.
His friends fell off one by one when he was in adversity.
One by one, the labels are affixed to the crayons.
The ticket agent checked in the passengers one by one.
One by one, the remaining men agreed to join.
一个接一个的, 剩下的人也加入了。
And they agreed to let the Crane transport them one by one to the pool where they would be safe.
于是, 他们同意由鹤把它们逐一送到安全的池塘。
One by one the aircraft started to peel off.
One by one, people stood up, filed into the aisle and began to help us.
人们一个接一下站了起来, 挤满了过道来帮助我们。
Passengers alight from the bus one by one.
One by one, they noticed me awake and alive.
Doors opened one by one, and the neighbourhood slowly came alive.
门一扇扇打开了, 整个街又慢慢有了生气。
The officiate god checks up one by one of angels.
Only by surrounding and annihilating separately, conquering one by one, can we win the battle.
One by one the stars appear.
But the monster in the appearance, must swallow one by one soldier of fortune.
而怪物又在出现, 要将雇佣兵逐一吞噬。
All the applicants were interviewed one by one.
One by one, I am living in the future you approaching.
我已活在未来, 而你正在走去。
He shot arrows one by one, but each missed.
Flipping the pages one by one, he read through the article quite quickly.
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单词 one by one 释义

  • 单词释义:一个接一个;逐一;逐个地; 一个一个地  [更多..]



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