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单词 come up 例句大全,用单词come up造句:

If I can come up with a bit more money, I'll be able to buy a new car.
who knows what we'll be able to come up with.
Accommodation was hard to find in the city and a place like this didnt come up very often.
在城里很难找到住处, 像这样的房子不常出现。
I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.
One last wash rinse and scrub with acetone until white paper towels come up clean.
最后一洗用丙酮擦洗, 直至白色纸巾干净出现。
They have come up with, in a sense, a sort of different method for organizing activity.
Hepburns clothes do not often come up at auction, despite the actress hating waste.
We actually have to come up with a scientific experiment.
With the breakdown of the administration, crime syndicates have come up in a big way.
随着政府管理的垮掉, 犯罪团伙大规模的抬头了。
With the breakdown of the administration, crime syndicates have come up in a big way.
Return to the old haunt, Adobe has not come up with convincing performance.
重返故地, 奥多并没有拿出让人信服的表现。
The advertising company had to come up with a good slogan for the new brand of soda.
Regular meeting from the move on TV a lot of good advertisement come up to the network.
A team of advertisers at work trying to come up with a slogan for the product.
Im afraid something urgent has come up.
I'm afraid some pressing business has come up.
Do not become upset because you are worried or afraid.
Im afraid this product doesnt come up to scratch.
很遗憾, 这个产品没能达到标准。
I am afraid that I can't make it, for something urgent has just come up.
我可能没法赴约了, 因为有点急事。
People would come up to me after the conference, after my talk, men and women.
人们在演讲后找到我 不论男女
Something urgent has come up, and I'm sorry I won't be able to make it this afternoon.
Everything the sick child had eaten would come up soon afterwards.
And you can see certain biases that come up again and again.
Their ship has come up again.
Become upset or agitated
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单词 come up 释义

  • 单词释义:发生;上来;提到;开庭  [更多..]



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