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单词 kid around 例句大全,用单词kid around造句:

The kid gets around, believe me.
这孩子见多识广, 相信我。
I am not some kid everybody can kick around anymore.
That kid is always folding her arms around her mom's leg.
He used to kid around with me about buying those fake antiques.
Kerry urged me to take it for a drive around the pit and the kid agreed.
凯丽催促我在沙砾铺的赛道上试试车, 卖车的小伙子同意了。
It's high time you stopped fooling around. You're not a little kid anymore.
But if you ever pull a stunt like this again, it will not be around my kid!
但凡再耍一次这样笨把戏, 离我女儿远点!
I kid you not, during my internship I discovered that the coeds liked being around me.
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