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单词 kid about 例句大全,用单词kid about造句:

He used to kid me about being chubby.
and insecure sometimes about their kid.
What? A guy can't brag about his own kid?
About eight hours later we found this kid.
about being cheated out of raising your kid!
There was a kid of about ten also on the coach.
Forget what the kid said about the money and all.
Did you hear about the kid who's gonna fight troy?
She is like a kid, always curious about everything.
她像个孩子, 对任何事情都充满了好奇。
So, tell me, what else do you know about this Nicky kid?
You've got to build fences, you're being a kid about it.
What about you, you were a green beret kid? Secret agent?
你怎么样, 你是演特种兵呢还是演间谍?
One point from psychology about this is the kid has anxiety.
About a year ago, I did an diary pondering about having kid.
想起这个日记刚开始的时候, 就有一篇是关于要孩子的感想。
But how about giving cash to your kid That doesn't seem crass.
但给孩子钱怎么样呢 这看起来没什么大问题吧。
He used to kid around with me about buying those fake antiques.
One was about the life of a famous gunfighter called Billy the Kid.
And the next day at school, some kid made a crack about my haircut.
第二天上学时, 有同学嘲笑我的发型。
They had picked one kid about eleven who was coming home from school.
I could teach this kid anything because she is curious about everything.
我可以教這個孩子任何事 因為她對任何事都感到好奇
When I was a kid, the disaster we worried about most, was a nuclear war.
We talked about this earlier. I know we talked about it, but look, the kid.
我知道我们之前谈过了 可是孩子。
But how about the kid on the left, or the athlete that leaves the field of play?
Some kid told me about the sea turtle and, if you blow bubbles in its face, it chases ya!
有个小孩儿告诉我,如果对着 海龟的脸吹泡泡,它就会追你
Share a memory about how you handled conflict or stood up to a bully when you were a kid.
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