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单词 life space 例句大全,用单词life space造句:

After you are restored to life, your familiar reappears in passive mode in your space.
Unique seascape toilet attaching to the main bedroom elucidates individual life space.
Through the gate of hell from outer space, life urn colleagues preserved fish head boat.
自过鬼门关外天, 命同人鲊瓮头船。
There are space and time, and then, there are life and death, existence and nonexistence.
Buddhists teach that all space-directions are void and compassion is the principle of life.
And as we move through space and through time, a very everyday pattern of life in the kitchen.
随着时间的流逝地点的变化 这是厨房里日常生活的轨迹
I intend to embody love in the space between to give birth to a state of unity in my life dance.
我意愿在两极空间中展现爱, 让我生命之舞的统一状态诞生。
This energy field provides life with protection from harmful waves of radiation from outer space.
这个能场提供保护, 使生命免受来自太空的辐射波的危害。
It can be expected that there will be a breakthrough in life science and Space Science in the21st century.
The Feasibility Analysis on the Accelerated Life Test of Liquid Lubricated Space Mechanical Moving Components
Dining room is at ordinary times family dines jointly or the life space of repast of fete relatives and friends.
Already can environment of beautification life space, can conduce to the microclimate that improves interior space again.
既能美化生活空间环境, 又能有助于改善室内空间的小气候。
Progress in Development and Application of Experimental Facilities for Life Sciences on onboard the International Space Station
There's no sign of Hal the dominating computer from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey appearing on the horizons next year to dominate human life.
Children's brains, hands, feet, space, and time should be liberated so that they can fully enjoy a free life and get real education from the free life.
The artistic conception of Tao Yuanming's poems are very remote in time and space, which is related to his living environment and his attitude towards life.
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