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单词 in addition 例句大全,用单词in addition造句:

In addition, students can also interact with me in private over email exchange.
另外, 同学们也可以与我在电邮上个别交流。
In addition, they teach people to be ethical and moral in order to glorify God.
此外, 他们教导人要合乎伦理道德来荣耀神。
In addition, we proceed to the data synchronism and butt jointing in nighttime.
In addition, winter swimming is increasingly popular in the United States, too.
In addition, all witnesses in criminal cases are protected by law in Mauritius.
In addition. irrigates in the construction large reservoir or in the deep well.
In addition to exhibitions, Star Gallery specialized in high quality publishing.
In addition, Fukien is now in a state of complete chaos, confusion and disunity.
In addition to three meals, you can all snacks in the afternoon and evening time.
In addition, puppies in a den jump over one another for their mother's attention.
In addition, this article introduces the fidelity of motion simulation in detail.
In addition, in the implementation of the law, the lex specialis derogat generali.
此外, 在法律的执行中, 特别法优于普通法。
In addition, the pourer can be put back properly in the canister for repeated use.
此外, 倒酒能够恢复适当地重复使用罐。
In addition to poetry, Shao Yong also created many essays handed down in the world.
In addition, fisheries sector is often the only source of employment in the atolls.
This saving is in addition to the savings plan established in the first resolution.
In addition, the Cover Story also reported other architectural buildings in Wan Chai.
In addition, we have established some joint ventures in Tianjin and other localities.
另外, 在天津等地, 还有一些合资企业。
It's a disease that kills a lot of adults in Africa, in addition to a lot of children.
Any acid that has hydroxyl groups in addition to the hydroxyl group in the acid itself.
In addition, Cuban experts have been able to participate in the work of these agencies.
In addition, they are likely to have lower levels of stress and anxiety in their lives.
a partnership in which employees get a share of the profits in addition to their wages.
In addition to children's skin in vitiligo spot can also be found in many skin diseases.
儿童皮肤白斑除见于白癜风外, 还可见于许多皮肤病。
But in addition the students take part in a traditional Indian harvest festival in October.
另外, 学生们会在十月参加传统的印第安人收获节。
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单词 in addition 释义

  • 单词释义:另外;除此之外;并且;况且  [更多..]



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