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单词 image object 例句大全,用单词image object造句:

At the same time, the arithmetic of image distinguishing and fixing on object is proposed.
An Application of Wavelet Transform in Feature Level Image Fusion and Object Classification
The image character of an erect object was analyzed and the image equation of it was provided.
Object image distance formula of single spherical surface is derived through Times Compensation.
When the transverse dimensions of object and image are in the same direction, the image is erect.
当物和象的横向维度处于相同的方向时, 象是正立的。
Dark field imaging of nucleic acid molecules the formation of image of phased object in dark field.
The most distant object for which an image can be formed on the retina is then nearer than infinity.
这时, 能成象在视网膜上的最远物体比无穷远近。
Recovering Material for a Homogeneous Object in an Environment from a Single High Dynamic Range Image
Automatic profile extraction based on object space image matching and probability relaxation algorithm
The former employs the method of object teaching, changing the into the image whose beauty can be sensed.
An image of the object is projected by the objective lens on to the photocathode of an image convert tube.
Establishment of the mapping relationship between an object and its image in a laser linear scanning system
Image segmentation is the foundation and crux of object recognization, positioning, feature extraction and modeling.
The effects of spherical aberration on measuring focus of thin convex lens with object distance image distance method
If the paper is placed in a photographic developer, a positive image of the original object will appear on the paper.
The unorthodox seating arrangements were consistent with the image Larkin wanted to object of open, familial relations.
When you have attained this contemplation, visualize each object quite clearly without losing the image, whether your eyes are closed or open.
An image of the object is projected by the objective lens on to the photocathode of an image convert tube. If the screen is so far away from the eyepiece that the camera can be placed between.
如果投影屏距目镜很远, 照相机可放在两者之间。
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