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单词 image ratio 例句大全,用单词image ratio造句:

image frequency rejection ratio.
This paper presents an algorithm to estimate Signal Noise Ratio for a single image.
This allows the aspect ratio of the image data to be determined more directly or easily.
As one method of image lossy compression vector quantization has great compression ratio.
How to Use the Image to Process and Calculate the Area Ratio of Disc and Cup in the Optic Disc
This means that the aspect ratio of the new image will be the same as that of the previous image.
Fig.9 is a flowchart explaining a process for setting the aspect ratio of the image for recording.
Your image will be automatically sized to the size of your control, regardless of the aspect ratio.
It was required to analyze the image characteristics, to measure and calculate signal to noise ratio of the lung parenchyma and the muscle of thoracic wall individually, the contrast and contrast to noise ratio between the lung and the muscle of the thoracic wall.
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单词 image ratio 释义

  • 单词释义:像频抗拒比,镜频相对增益,镜像比  [更多..]



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