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单词 in position 例句大全,用单词in position造句:

Aim position and education authority of sport training in spare time in college and university
In addition, the limitation problems of selecting position presented in textbook are analyzed.
In general, scores are awarded as points based upon the boats finishing position in each race.
SIS also offers help to those Muslim women in a disadvantaged position in marriage by legal aid.
还通过法律援助, 帮助在婚姻中处于弱势的穆斯林妇女。
Norway's high position was attributed to its number one position in the field of energy security.
He says others in the village who borrowed heavily to buy their cows are in an even worse position.
Setting position of rubber barrel should be located in different position of casing collar location.
In addition, the onbalancevolume, or OBV, indicator is also in a leading bullish divergence position.
In this article the function and the position of Hand Balance in gymnastics are described four aspects.
This battle, Nepoleon obtains glorious results in battle and established his governance position in France.
这一仗, 拿破仑取得辉煌战果, 奠定了他在法国的统治地位。
Xuanfu Town's Important Position and Role in the Northern Border Region in the Early and Medium Ming Dynasty
With a tube in position, it is lifted, located, and clamped securely for application of the cap and coupling.
Fold the palms together in front of the chest and rest the thumbs against the breastbone in a prayer position.
Replace the arm on the turntable and tighten the height locking screw sufficiently to hold the arm in position.
Cabinet placed in corrosive items to avoid direct contact with the surface of cabinet put oneself in anothers position.
In addition in this case, whether the cursor position the centre or the left, top of the rectangle can be specified marked
此外, 无论光标位置在中心还是左边,
Special Syntax Position and Functions of Demonstrative Pronoun Anaphora in Shandong Dialect in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Hospital culture is an important position in hospital. Assumption of Similarities of Silence in Intercultural Communication
In this paper, the position of foxtail millet and small grains under the cropping pattern adjustment in China was discussed.
Xiao He has a keen eye and sees the military genius in Han Xin, who has left the Chu camp to seek a position in the Han camp.
Effect of Water Stress in Spring on Senescence and Abscission of Leaves on Different Position in Golden Delicious Apple Trees.
Schneider Electric enhances its position in low voltage installation systems with the acquisition of the specialist AEM S.A. In Spain
Abnormal Phenomena in Deciding the High Position of the First Three Scholars in Imperial Civil Examinations from Northern Song to Southern Song Dynasties
No matter how difficult the process is, we in China always adhere to the position of working for peace and facilitating talks in an objective and impartial way.
In the second section, the author emphasizes the important position of the Special Mountain Products in Sichuan economy and the effect of the developments of the Special Mountain Products on socioeconomic development.
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