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单词 in position 例句大全,用单词in position造句:

Experience in successful tracheal cannulation in patients in lateral position
Verify that housing alignment dowels are in position before installing housing.
If you cannot effect shipment in time, you will place us in an awkward position.
Warning, uncharted rocks in position bearing 235distance 2. 3 off entrance light.
Warning, uncharted rocks in position bearing 235distance 2. 5 off entrance light.
actually left people in the same, if not worse, position than they were in before.
如何让人们 裹足不前。
Your strength in position comes from the fact that play and betting goes clockwise.
The scaffold is used with all bracing and outriggers in position and wheels locked.
In my position I have to be careful about getting involved in anything of that sort.
Position the support pedestals or frames in their approximate position on the floor.
He caters to those in power in order to seek for a high position and handsome salary.
他趋炎附势, 以求高官厚禄。
A manager is someone in a position of responsibility in an organization. An executive.
On the Change of Wang Xizhi's Position in the Theory of Calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty
Are scuppers effectively plugged and drip trays in position, both on board and ashore ?
Once the caisson was in position, the pile would be pumped out and driven into the ooze.
沉箱一旦就位, 就要把桩抽出来并打入软泥中。
The four screw bolts should be tightened up in turn in a symmetrically diagonal position.
On the New Change and Position of Stories and Novels in the Catalogue in the Ming Dynasty
A spin in figure skating that is performed in an arabesque or modified arabesque position.
If you cave in at this stage of the negotiation you will be in a position to gain nothing.
By chance, you see the blackboard, in an oblique position in relation to the piece of paper.
偶然地, 你们会到黑板跟这张纸形成一个歪斜的位置。
First, calculate the vector between the vertex in its world position and the light position.
And the space that follows are fixed in position relative to the characters within brackets.
In other words, your position in life comes to seem not accidental, but merited and deserved.
换句话说,你在社会的地位不是偶然 而都是你配得的
In the historical class, we came to know that national bourgeoisie is in a resigned position.
This position is equal to the position of Assistant Speaker of Parliament in other countries.
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