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单词 no go 例句大全,用单词no go造句:

Wind blow blow, water cold cold, strong man go go, come back no no.
There is no length to which an addict will not go to obtain his drug.
The fruit is plenty sweet, so go for coconut milk with no added sugar.
There are no lengths to which an addict will not go to obtain his drug.
No, I can't. Janet and I have to go to the airport to meet her parents.
Yes, people will go on amusing themselves, and he will no longer exist!
No. No. I'm going to go with the crab cakes and the little quesadillas.
No one would say, Hey, I think this medicine works, go ahead and use it.
没人会说 我认为这种药没问题 尽管去用吧
No. Go and play baseball. I can still row and Rogelio will throw the net.
I got accepted to a collegiate institute that no one else would like to go.
There was nothing he could do, no one he could talk to, no place he could go.
Is accustomed to everything. No longer go on living to do some pointless struggle.
No catastrophe hits, but all the little things go wrong, and nothing gets accomplished.
虽然不是大灾大难但每件小事上出毛病, 什么也没干成。
He had no necessity to write, and therefore no incentive to go on practising his spelling.
No matter how good an aid organization is at what they do, they eventually have to go home.
不管一个救援组织多么出色 他们最终还是得回家
So no because you don't wanna go, Or no because you don't know what a progressive dinner is?
你不去是因为不想去 还是因为你不知道百家宴是怎么回事?
If youve got no place to go, if youre feeling down Sorry, just cant help myself. I love ABBA.
如果你无处可去, 如果你感到失望对不起, 我不能自助。
Fee is no longer a brain to think about this think it is no longer good and bad things go tube.
The local shops have all sorts of decorating materials – there's no need for us to go far afield.
I just want to run a quick neuropsych test on you. No. No!Go take your test. II have a baby to feed.
我要给你做个心理测试,不 去考试 我要喂小孩
Since ordinarily,I have no time to go home,I must go back to visit my parents when spring festival comes.
No. No, no, no, no. You obviously think you have some insight into my soul, so please go ahead. Dazzle me.
It will enjoy independent judicial power, and there will be no need to go to Beijing for final adjudication.
司法独立, 终审权不须到北京。
That time of I top can't reach a day, bottom can't go into ground, but I already have no tie! Have no durance!
那时的我上不能达天, 下不能入地, 但我已无所束缚!无所禁锢!
More unfortunately, the woodsman who carried the cotton found that his cotton had absorbed tons of water and became so heavy that he could no longer go on carrying it.
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单词 no go 释义

  • 单词释义:<口>不行,办不到,不成功;没门儿  [更多..]



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