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单词 no go 例句大全,用单词no go造句:

On no account should we go to bed with the door open.
There is no need to go through the algebraic details.
No one could go forward with a load of aching memories.
No, no. You treated us last time. Let's go Dutch today.
不, 不。上次你已经请过我们了。今天我们各付各的。
Abe wants to go to school, but there is no school there.
艾贝想要去上学, 但是那里没有学校。
Okay, so go. No one's stopping you. I'm too tired to go.
好吧 你去吧 没人拦着你,我懒得动了
Let me go over this again with you, okay? Oh, no, no, no.
No one will want to act without the go-ahead from the boss.
No, no, no. You want in, you're gonna have to go through me.
No, no, no. you want in, you're gonna have to go through me.
No, go away! We dont want an ugly duckling to spoil our fun.
You no see me you no go, I no see you i no go, no see no go!
No, no. We share needles because we don't want to go to jail.
Maybe I should go No, no, the evening has just gotten started.
看来我该走了 不不,今晚才刚开始呢。
The man has no charisma, no class, no integrity need I go on !
这个人没有美丽, 没有气质, 没有正直还要我怎么说呢?
So no matter what difficulty I will encounter, I must go ahead.
there will be no financial reason to go and exploit Antarctica.
No, no, really. I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I am.
不不,我很遗憾 你要承受这事,真的。
They wanted to go to work. There were no comments, no questions.
No, I don't agree. I think we should go for higher profitability.
不, 我不同意。我想我们应该追求更高的可得利润率。
No way. I'm watching Ally McBeal. Go to John's to watch the game.
There is no theory which could go deep into human's mind animism.
No, Doctor, no!I was just closing my eyes to listen better. Go on!
不, 医生, 不是!我只是闭上眼睛好好地听你讲故事。接着讲吧!
I tried to get him to increase my salary but it was clearly no go.
我已尽力让他给我增加薪水, 但显然行不通。
I also wish that no one or no creature ever had to go hungry again.
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单词 no go 释义

  • 单词释义:<口>不行,办不到,不成功;没门儿  [更多..]



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