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单词 sky 例句大全,用单词sky造句:

The sky was brushed clean by the wind and the stars were cold in a black sky.
In my opinion, you are the crowds to birdie the sky sees the marine boat abuse
She held her palms together, and made a vow when a meteor shot across the sky.
Tanzania stood staring up at the rock the sky, blue sky blue, such as washing.
Whereon the sky will be cleft asunder ? His Promise needs must be accomplished.
天将为那日而破裂,真主? ? 许要实现的。
Flames sprang up to heaven.; Flames leap to the sky.; The flames lit up the sky.
The rising sun jumped into the sky from the horizon, where the sea joins the sky.
They are going to have the best sky rail system. It will be absolutely phenomenal.
There is no difference between the sky in the Middle East and the sky in the west.
I will propel into the sky with the wind, forever, my sky has sunshine and rainbow.
我会随风飞入天空之中, 永远, 我的天空有阳光和彩虹
Serve the servants very ape Out of the ground Into the sky Out of the sky Into the dirt
TRUE SOLITUDE is the feeling of being absolutely isolated between the earth and the sky.
To possess my a sweetheart, also to go up to the sky to deal with my accurate to bestow.
拥有我的情人, 也到了向天空, 以应付我的准确赐给。
Shed leaves under the conciliation of a clear sky, gradual thin forget ever absentminded.
It can accommodate lofty sky the float white clouds the far mountain and the large forest.
容得下高远的天空, 漂浮的白云, 如影的远山, 大片的森林。
Still have, the dust of the sky wants to play down, otherwise accumulating more more many.
Bairi can look at greenery blue sky in the balcony, night can admire lights sky by column.
白日可以在阳台远望绿树蓝天, 夜晚可以凭栏欣赏灯火星空。
Time, Cowboy in accordance with the instructions How Stella, stole the Sky clothing Weaver.
织女被带回天上, 牛郎不能上天, 只能与儿女仰天号哭。
The plane taxied, accelerated forcefully, and left the ground, rushing at the cloudless sky.
I like the subtle flow of cloud those dos the sky seem even abundance vast, azure and immense.
我喜爱天空中那淡淡的云, 它将天空衬的更高更蓝更宽。
Introduction Cloud Arrow pointed at the sky, and then accurately hit the heart, and you can do
穿云的箭直射苍穹, 然后准确地命中红心, 你能做到吗?
Goddess swear, life is not married, she should always be accompanied in the night sky Orion.
The early morning wind and snow, reverberated in my eyes, the stars accompany the sky around me.
Mackerel sky refers to a state of sky with extensive clouds that look like fish scales in a bright day.
at dawn the misty surface of the lake fuses with the sky, and the lights of the fishing boats make it seem a continuation of the starry sky above
晨雾罩湖湖接天, 渔火似星星相连

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