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单词 shop 例句大全,用单词shop造句:

His sister accidentally broke the teapot, she really is like a bull in a china shop.
When small shop accomplishes double imperial crown, the problem of capital appeared.
小店做到双皇冠时, 资金的问题出现了。
The retail shop is Hino and Nissan Diesel Motor pure accessories and our distributors.
There was an absurdly tiny shop whose proprietor was a member of the village panchayat.
Due to accurate optometry and fine grinding of lens, this shop attracts many customers.
Many years wholesale and retail entities shop operator, now creating a shop on network.
多年箱包批发零售实体店经营, 现全新打造网店。
Lovesickness Chen shop, who accompanies me to look the setting sun falls traces the type.
Chen Shuibian launders money the first channel is, Taiwan locality exchange shop or shop.
The computer also in service to some upholstery shop or computer service shop obtains the.
This shop can both develop photos and enlarge prints. You don't need to go to another shop.
Maintenance of the shop order, achieve customer spec changes and product engineering changes.
Reporter in the shop saw that patronizes the accessories shop is mainly the highschool student.
A butcher watching over his shop is really surprised when he sees a dog coming inside the shop.
一肉贩看到只狗走进他的铺子, 他很吃惊。
So the owner of the shop goes in back and comes out with an absolutely gorgeous fulllength coat.
于是, 店主到后面找出一件富丽堂皇的落地貂皮大衣。
Accordingly, li Mou has reason completely to ask wine shop bears cost of partial medical treatment.
因此, 李某完全有理由要求酒楼承担部分医疗费用。
Are you interested in most advanced technology and latest achievements? Please drop in at our shop.
Wholesales flower shop The flower shop often is owes in the loss, Laborious a Monday a day owes over.
Listen and practise this conversation in a shop. Notice the shop assistants polite, rising intonation.
In America do you typically have to make an appointment at a nail shop or are walk-ins mostly accepted?
I will inform you of the carriage calculated accurately in our shop after it orders about the carriage.
After the player runs a shop, the ones that should be determined first are the style trend one's own shop.
If even the shop assistant can't provide the consumer an exact price, how can anyone trust a shop like this?
An enterprise may choose its shop name. The shop name shall be composed of more than two Chinese characters.
But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop. The forbidding antique shop is pretentious.
A shop dealing with customers courteously does a Booming Business, while a man without a smiling face should not open a shop.
礼貌待客生意好, 人无笑脸休开店。

单词 shop 释义

  • 单词释义:商店;工厂,车间;手艺课;购物  [更多..]



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