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单词 shopping 例句大全,用单词shopping造句:

I also went grocery shopping today, and resisted the candy and potato chip aisle.
Come and join the lottery shopping. You may have a chance of Being amply rewarded.
欢迎参加本店有奖购物活动, 给您一次获得重奖得机会。
At this point, more than a few shopping comparison shopping, it is very necessary.
The glamorous actress always went shopping with many attendants crowding round her.
I would advise you to go shopping with my mother. She has a goog eye for a bargain.
In addition to users, Baidu's confident Haigen shopping behavior changes quietly on.
Shopping Shuttle Service to main shopping centre every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, adjacent to the Eldon Square shopping centre, is awash with people.
For example, eBay, Amoy Ridge Shopping Center and other large networks have been frequent.
例如易趣, 淘宝等大型网络购物中心已经屡见不鲜。
how much do you think the membership fee at one month is acceptable in online shopping sites
Woman all naturally namely adore apt cost money shopping, this words arent disloyal by 1 00.
The more frequent the times of shopping on line, the less accompanied risks of online shopping.
网上购物次数越多, 认为网络购物伴随风险越小。
Some shoppers are also not accustomed to what they perceive as additional costs in online shopping.
Simply analyzing the main factor influencing consumers of our country to do shopping on the network
A professionally trained shopper takes your order, grabs a shopping cart, and does your shopping for you.
You dont have got to accompany me going shopping in case someone immediately makes an appointment with you.
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Focus groups, indepth interviews, accompanied shopping, ethnography and other qualitative interviewing techniques
座谈会, 深访, 陪同购物, 民族学方法和其他定性访问技术
The number of females who reported that shopping was their most frequently adopted stress coping mechanism was 75.
The number of females who reported that shopping was their most frequently adopted stress coping mechanism was 77.
Spend time shopping for the right mattress and pillow, and adjust your thermostat to the best temperature for you.
This site is jammed with useful facts, from showtimes to shopping, kids stuff to adults-only, as well as daily Vegas news.
Instead, a shopping agent openly greets you and asks if you 'd like some personal assistance. Say, some help with finding bargains.
Church members volunteered their labor to create a hospital in an abandoned shopping center. We had to rewire the building, replumb it.
In the book Why We Buy, retail anthropologist Paco Underhill uses extensive studies of shoppers ' behavior to prove shopping can be influenced by a variety of seemingly extraneous factors.

单词 shopping 释义

  • 单词释义:购物,买东西;工作室,制作室;车间;家庭作坊  [更多..]



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