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单词 shrewd 例句大全,用单词shrewd造句:

Mr Smith is a shrewd man, he is not to be caught with chaff.
史密斯先生是个精明的人, 不会轻易上当。
Shrewd or devious management, especially for ones own advantage.
操纵精明的或欺骗性手段, 尤指为占有个人的优势
A shrewd housewife should be good at planning the family budget.
It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth.
这个评估很有道理, 可能相当正确。
Shrewd bargainers, Toydarians liked to socialize and strike deals.
So that's why I call myself lost cat, not the shrewd DingDong Cat.
所以我叫自己流浪猫, 而不是那只曾经古灵精怪的叮当猫。
Negotiation accompanied by mutual concessions and shrewd bargaining.
Jon Bon Jovi Childhood friend, shrewd businessman, great songwriter.
儿时的朋友, 精明的商人, 伟大的歌曲作者。
I will bee a shrewd, at least not let a person cheated still giggle.
Instantly the portly lady's face became exceedingly sober and shrewd.
exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for ones own advantage.
人生就是这样的错综复杂, 不讲理。
For the present, shrewd man that he was, he was prepared to compromise.
On the contrary, they found a shrewd formula to accommodate one another.
Her face was alert and lively, with a sharp chin and shrewd little eyes.
她的面孔显得机警而生气勃勃, 下巴尖尖的, 眼睛小而机灵。
Let's try to do like the shrewd ones, and not like these stupid fellows.
Her unthreatening exterior belied a sharp intelligence and a shrewd wit.
a shrewd or unscrupulous person who knows how to circumvent difficulties
Socrates conversations as reported by Plato were full of a shrewd humor.
照柏拉图所传述的, 苏格拉底的谈话充满了慧黠的幽默
Socrates'conversations as reported by Plato were full of a shrewd humor.
Socrates' conversations as reported by Plato were full of a shrewd humor.
To appreciate the shrewd son, Mr. Nathan ordered an ice cream on the side.
为了感谢机灵的儿子, 内森先生额外点了一份冰激凌。
He was a shrewd businessman. He knew which side his bread was buttered on.
他是一个精明的商人, 深知自己的利益所在。
Once there lived a good man who had a shrewd wife and three kind daughters.
manipulation Shrewd or devious management, especially for ones own advantage.
精明的或欺骗性手段, 尤指为占有个人的优势
The shrewd politician adapts his speech to suit the interests of his audience.

单词 shrewd 释义

  • 单词释义:精明的,敏锐的;奸诈的,狡猾的;有眼光的;精于盘算的  [更多..]



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