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单词 reward 例句大全,用单词reward造句:

One of these targets would give the monkey advance information about its future reward.
He argues that the carrot and stick method of reward and reappraisal is most effective.
The government offered a reward of a million dollars for the arrest of the perpetrator.
Take advantage of being a first mover. The search engines, and linkers, will reward you.
The mosque has its own chef that prepared the food, may Allah reward him for his talent.
这座清真寺自备大厨烹煮食物, 愿阿拉赐给他天赋。
you 've automatically arranged for a reward if you comply and a punishment if you don't.
In order to arrest thethe run as soon as possible, the police increased the reward offered.
为了尽快抓获那个流窜犯, 警方再次提高了赏格。
Low rate of tax will not be burdensome in absolute terms and reduce the reward of avoidance.
低税率不会造成沉重的财政负担, 亦会减低避税的意图。
We consider the visitor, collaborator and colleague's approval regard as the highest reward.
Our society should provide more applause and reward where the upholders of justice are concerned.
The original meaning of dedication is to respectfully give or submit without asking for a reward.
For dinner that evening, Mr. Lin served two additional meat dishes, by way of reward to his employees.
That thine alms may be in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
要叫你施舍的事行在暗中, 你父在暗中察看, 必报答你。
In order to arrest the criminal on the run as soon as possible, the police increased the reward offered.
Part II is the maim part of demonstration of the Qing Dynastys reward system, which include six aspects.
第二部分为第二至第七章, 是奖赏制度的陈说部分。
Theoretical System on the Action of Evaluation in the Advertisement of Promising Reward to the Best Competitor
It was borderline unorthodox and arduously timeconsuming, but the Yankees could handle that given their reward.
这是很难以决定和艰钜的时刻, 但是洋基队仍然能维持局面。
A performance reward system that recognizes the important contributions of both hourly and management associate
The core of comprador system consisted of guarantee system, responsibility and reward system, aegis system and so on.
Gender Differences of the Competitive Reward Structure and the Valence of Outcome on Childrens Achievement Attributions
International investors are not prepared to finance bankrupt sovereign states without getting ample reward for the risk.
Net dragon also increases monetary reward, in order to raise the basic wage of sacrificial vessel competition ability and appeal.
网龙亦增加酬金, 以提供具竞争力及吸引力的基本薪金。
Strengthening the cost accounting of the designed project and establishing the reward and penalty system based on economic benefit
Everyone assured him that as long as the negotiations went off smoothly, not only would the expenses be shared, but there would be a reward for his service as well.
You earn beenz by visiting certain websites that give beenz away to reward customer loyalty, in exchange for personal information or as a reward to surfers for just showing up.

单词 reward 释义

  • 单词释义:报酬;奖励,回报;赏金  [更多..]



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