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单词 rewire 例句大全,用单词rewire造句:

We had to rewire the building, replumb it.
我们必须给这幢建筑建立新电线, 重新铅直。
Their whole brain appears to rewire because of bilingualism.
We have to figure out how to rewire the systems that we have.
我们需要找到一种方法 去改变整个系统
We had to rewire the building, replumb it, then we had to clean it.
我们必须为这座建筑重新布线, 重新铺设管道。
The only way to cure obesity is to radically rewire the relationship between the stomach and the brain.
Church members volunteered their labor to create a hospital in an abandoned shopping center. We had to rewire the building, replumb it.

单词 rewire 释义

  • 单词释义:vt.再接电线,再打电报  [更多..]



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