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单词 reply 例句大全,用单词reply造句:

He stepped inside and called for Addie, but heard no reply.
He knew they were waiting for him to amplify his bold reply.
They went ahead without waiting for a reply from the Germans.
But when his reply actually came, she was nonetheless amazed.
然而, 当他的回信真的寄来时, 她还是惊呆了。
In reply, the hostess received an absolutely illegible letter.
We have urged you to settle the account but received no reply.
我们催交, 你没有回应。
Miler was going to address his reply to him care of Mr. Darcy.
米勒将把回信寄给达西先生转交 给他。
He received a reply no doubt produced by analogous procedures.
Afterward, reply to this email so we can perform a credit move.
To avoid delay, kindly address your reply to the buyer directly.
为避免耽误时间, 请直接函复买方。
Please act promptly and let us have your reply by return airmail.
From the moment you reply to an advert, you have been dragged in.
从你回复广告之刻起, 你就已经被卷进去了。
We received an avalanche of letters in reply to our advertisement.
And after each reply, Stefanie kept nodding her head in agreement.
She swore at him angrily but he used even choicer phrases in reply.
她愤怒地咒骂他, 而他则用更加恶毒的语言予以回击。
Please give us an early reply if this proposal is acceptable to you.
上述建议, 如果同意, 请即示复。
The doctor's reply ran counter to the accepted wisdom about old age.
Sam, reply I cannot agree, asked to accept to investigate the matter.
的回复我无法认同, 要求重新受理, 调查此事。
The matter is urgent. An immediate and affirmative reply is requested.
事急, 希即时作正面答复。
John was amazing in his readiness of reply and his exactness of memory.
The skin reply that how the making with fast ability suntans unvarnished?
He had no convincing reply to my argument, so resorted to terms of abuse.
对我的论据, 他没有令人信服的答复, 因而就诉诸骂人的语言。
The last paragraph of your letter under reply is ambiguous. Please clarify.
你方来信的最后一段意义不明确, 请澄清。
I have alread retun my affidavIt'support. why I haven't received the reply ?
我已经寄回我的经济担保书几个月了, 为什么没有回音?
In reply, he was given a deadline to acquaint himself with his criminal case.

单词 reply 释义

  • 单词释义:回复,回应;作出反应  [更多..]



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