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单词 repo 例句大全,用单词repo造句:

Bonds acquired through reverse repo trades.
三, 因附卖回交易所取得者。
Now repo companies are the ones doing the booming.
现在, 回购公司倒是一派繁忙景象。
In contrast with repo, the interbank funding still performed inactively.
拆借交易表现仍然不活跃, 与回购交易形成明显的反差。
More importantly, the central repo rate itself is a historic turning point.
更重要的, 央企回购这件事本身就是一个历史性的转折。
The securities sold under repo agreements still remain as assets on the balance sheet.
Provisions governing bonds outright repo transactions shall be formulated by this Exchange in another initiative.

单词 repo 释义

  • 单词释义:report 报告;报告书;repossess 重新获得;repurchase agreement 重新达成协议  [更多..]



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