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单词 replicate 例句大全,用单词replicate造句:

As depicted in the Figure 3 , the next challenge will be to replicate the group assignments of the users.
如图3所示, 接下来面临的挑战是复制用户组。
This will also deliver a competitive advantage to the firm that will be difficult for others to replicate.
Applies pending data for the shadow replicate , then automatically removes the shadow replicate definition.
为影子复制应用未决数据, 然后自动删除影子复制定义。
A malicious computer program designed specifically to replicate itself and spread from computer to computer.
恶意计算机程序, 专门复制其自身并在计算机之间传播。
The ability to replicate a roast time and time again can be accomplished with sound profile management practices.
Remastering allows you to change what columns are in a replicate definition without interrupting the replication.
By designing the rules correctly,one should,in the large,replicate experimentally observed pedestrian flow phenomena.
Provides automatic table generation on participants that do not already contain the table specified in the master replicate.
Both drugs are neuraminidase inhibitors, meaning that they inhibit an enzyme that is necessary for the flu virus to replicate in the body.

单词 replicate 释义

  • 单词释义:复制,复写;重复,反复;折转;[生] 复制  [更多..]



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