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单词 repay 例句大全,用单词repay造句:

Please calculate the concrete customs, we want to repay it.
The Lord shall repay the evildoer according to his wickedness.
You were a big help to me and I hope I can repay you some day.
你真是帮了大忙了, 我希望有机会报答你。
Then sell those firecrackers and repay the debts of all of us.
The Analysis of Advance Repay for Chinese Housing Mortgage Loan
I will take care that my obligation to you shall be amply repay
Of course, nobody imagines that he will repay what he borrowed.
当然, 没人认为他借了东西会还。
He was so good to me that I can never repay the debt I owe him.
Then the next year's crop and fleeces may repay you to the full.
They agreed to repay their creditors over a period of three years.
Whenever you cancel, we will repay any credit balance outstanding.
I owe you a debt of gratitude which I shall never be able to repay.
The genetic bases of such phenomena might well repay investigation.
coz after all thats how you repay me with what I have done for you!
怎么毕竟多数民众赞成你如何报答我, 我替您完成了!
Despite repeated assurance he fail to repay the money he have borrow.
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing.
不以恶报恶, 以辱骂还辱骂, 倒要祝福。
Please, I have to repay a debt I want me a child his father's regret.
They are under to obligation to repay debts incurred by the old regime.
We would repay all of our government backed loans by the end of the year.
到年底, 我们就可以还清由政府保证的全部贷款。
You also want to help your doctor so that you can repay the debt you owe.
你也想让那个医生上车, 因为他救过你, 这是个好机会报答他。
The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous have mercy and share.
恶人借贷总不偿还, 义人却常好施乐善。
You can borrow the money, with the proviso that you repay me within a week.
你可以借这笔钱, 但书是你要在一星期还我。
The energy diagram has a simplicity of its own and will repay careful study.
I have nothing but this humble gift to repay your kindness, please accept it.
For protecting the creditors, fair repay is a basic concept in insolvent law.

单词 repay 释义

  • 单词释义:偿还;付还;报答;酬报  [更多..]



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