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单词 remind 例句大全,用单词remind造句:

This centralizing innovation will remind the reader of both Akhnaton and Nabonidus.
We had entered her home to remind her to attune to our rhythm in her own heartbeat.
May I remind everyone that this committee has authority to make a binding decision.
Then Creole stepped forward to remind them that what they were playing was the blues.
I remind myself that the war in Iraq started with bellicose posturing and photographs.
remind help sb remember sth important that they must do If I forget, please remind me.
如果我忘记, 如果我忘记, 请提醒我。
And to remind you that here is an example in which architecture actually did something.
要提示你们的是这幢建筑 确实有它存在的意义。
Let me remind you that's undoubted excess mortality associated with atrial fibrillation.
Remind yourself not to hover and let them spend some time with a close friend or a beau.
提醒自己不要跟在孩子身边, 放手让他们去找男女朋友。
Besides, monitor points can be set up in learning process to supervisor and remind user.
同时提供给用户的帮助信息, 也可以以身定制, 更具个性化。
I would like to remind members that this shall be the last restricted ballot in this series.
I'll remind you of what we talked about last time with Alexander the Great just very briefly.
Yeah, I am trying to remind our audience that it's time again to enjoy the Feast for the Eyes.
The brocade lotus point nods, remind of ambition clean a side with an upward exposure put like.
The Inflight Services Manager will make an announcement to remind you of this safety requirement.
The freshly brewed aromatic Hainanese Coffee and the light sourish remind people of traditonal coffee.
Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.
呼吸, 放手, 并提醒自己现在的这一刻是你确切拥有的。
And we say that to remind ourselves that children actually have a different physiology than normal adults.
我们用此来提醒自己 小孩子与大人的生理不同
Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remind yourself of famine even when the barn is full.
Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want, and remind yourself of famine even when the barn is full.
丰年要当欠年过, 有粮常想无粮时。
Remind Oil Distribution and Improvement Production Potential Study on High Water Cut Complex Fault Block Oil Reservoir
Project leader should remind demonstrator to clarify answer when customer feel not comfortable on demonstrator's answer.
How is an abstract art piece that sort of almost barely resembles a computer going to remind people of your software company
The lesson, in a cold and mean-spirited age, is to remind us of a quiet human quality that is seldom adequately praised or celebrated:
Who played over a lute amid east breezes, Heart torn apart and tune falling into pieces A weary wall stands peeling and silent. Doesnt it remind all but an age innocent.

单词 remind 释义



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