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单词 pointless 例句大全,用单词pointless造句:

It's pointless to speculate about the degree to which Paris's testament was rehearsed or coerced.
这是毫无意义得猜测, 帕里斯得致辞是被排练或被胁迫得。
It's pointless to speculate about the degree to which Paris' s testament was rehearsed or coerced.
It was pointless and would have been cruel to engage in a debate on the nuances of crisis management.
在处理危机的细节问题上辩论是没有意义的, 甚至是残酷的。
At least thats the thinking. But remember, the thinking a decade ago was that stimulus was pointless.
至少想法如此, 但要记得, 10年前这样的刺激并未奏效。
In my young days when I first began to engage in Li Studies, I came to see that this debate was pointless.
我从青年时代踏入郦学门户之初, 就看到了这场论战的无谓。
Going on, as we do, obsessively trying to improve our conditions, can become an end in itself, and a pointless distraction.

单词 pointless 释义

  • 单词释义:无意义的;不得要领的;钝的;无谓  [更多..]



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