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单词 pointless 例句大全,用单词pointless造句:

An army of sperm is insistent. It spurns delay and pointless diplomacy.
ElwinLeon, stop it! Its pointless to sacrafice yourself for the Empire!
It would be pointless to engage in hypothesis before we have the facts.
I had fallen so far behind that it seemed pointless trying to catch up.
我落后太多, 似乎追赶下去也毫无意义。
It s pointless asking for a deduction of 10 dollars from a rate of 1900.
I used to collect rocks but it seemed abit pointless, so I gave it away.
我过去曾收集过石头, 但似乎有点没劲, 所以我就放弃了。
It is pointless to condemn or deny the theory of a clash of civilizations.
He homed on a pointless quarrel when we discussed the plan of cooperation.
Trying to ignore a small ache until it grows into a pain is just pointless.
We don't know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless to speculate.
A captain is supposed to go down with his ship which seems rather pointless.
一般认为船长应与船一同沉没, 其实这看来是毫无意义的。
Time for you to sign the treaty and end this pointless debate in the senate.
Who wouldn't have preferred this with life so pointless, bitter and hopeless ?
谁不喜欢这样呢, 生活既是那么无聊, 痛苦, 无望!
This isn't about what software package is better, that is a pointless argument.
这并不是说哪个软体更好, 这争论毫无意义。
Its pointless trying to keep your friendship secretits common knowledge already.
Mr McCain says it is pointless to argue over whether America should have invaded.
This is a pointless exercise in images as attractive women sport guns and rifles.
这是一个没有明确目得得影像练习, 妩媚得女人玩枪。
Its pointless trying to keep your friendship secret its common knowledge already.
Is accustomed to everything. No longer go on living to do some pointless struggle.
Its pointless trying to drive up sales by advertising during an economic slowdown.
It would be pointless to repeat the details of the most horrendous crimes reported.
On average, it was just a completely pointless exchange of money that I would regret.
总的来说 只是没有意义的但是我会后悔的 丢钱行为
I was dragged into the theater thinking it was another horrible pointless love story.
If we are incapable of finding peace in ourselves, it is pointless to search elsewhere.
如果我们无法找到内心的平和, 去别处寻找无疑缘木求鱼。
It spurns delay and pointless diplomacy. An army of sperm must assault an ova and overcome it.

单词 pointless 释义

  • 单词释义:无意义的;不得要领的;钝的;无谓  [更多..]



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