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单词 pending 例句大全,用单词pending造句:

The case was referred for appeal pending confirmation of the convictions and sentences.
The Appeals Chamber's Judgements in these four pending cases are currently being drafted.
A writ authorizing the further detention of a person in custody,pending further action.
The supreme court has the power to stay an injunction pending an appeal to the whole court.
Maximum sentences were handed down but the defendants were eventually bailed pending appeal.
Comparative Research of Bail Pending Trial with Restricted Liberty of Moving and Bail System
The Justice Department said it would ask for the injunction to be lifted, pending its appeal.
Sullivan was placed on routine paid administrative leave pending the outcome of investigation.
The magistrate refused to grant bail pending appeal and ordered that Sze be jailed immediately.
裁判官拒绝给予保释, 等候上诉, 并下令立即将史监禁。
There are currently two pending appeals from judgement, one of which will be decided in August.
Upon receiving news of the pending cancellation of his contract, he began to look for a new job.
他收到合约即将被解除的消息时, 便开始找新工作。
The rescue announced could include up to four billion dollars more pending congressional approval.
From October to November2008, the number of pending applications increased by over200 applications.
Many dogs yapped and barked, but none appeared to exhibit extraordinary signs of pending natural disaster.
Recently, the Anshan Steel restructuring program has been submitted to the State Council Panzhihua pending.
Applies pending data for the shadow replicate , then automatically removes the shadow replicate definition.
为影子复制应用未决数据, 然后自动删除影子复制定义。
A prisoner who has been reported for an offence shall be kept apart from other prisoners pending adjudication.
You want to disregard this pending request. By doing this, you will forfeit your pending certificate request.
Analysis on Characteristics of Bail Pending Trail with Restricted Liberty of Moving and Suggestion for Perfection
Pending the adoption of their constitutions caretaker Governments have already been appointed for southern states.
If the criminal suspect is arrested, the appointed lawyer may apply on his behalf for obtaining a guarantor pending trial.
Anonymity orders are often issued against newspapers a few hours before publication as an interim measure pending a full hearing.
一般在报纸发行前的几个小时, 总会接到署匿名的命令。
Paragraph5 indicates that the addendum, which is an integral part of the deed, is pending approval by the host country Government.
As regards the question of sole agency, in our opinion, we both had better leave it in abeyance pending the development of business.
至于专销代理, 我们意见是最好待业务发展后再谈此事。
Where there are pending partnership affairs at the time of withdrawal, the settlement shall be conducted upon the completion of the partnership affairs.

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