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单词 perplexing 例句大全,用单词perplexing造句:

Mr Obama is in fact a Christian, and the reasons for the public doubt are perplexing.
事实上, 奥巴马是基督教徒。公众产生疑问的原因让人困惑。
These adjectives mean having parts so interconnected as to make the whole perplexing.
Actually, of the website collect a problem to perplexing a lot of websites possessory.
And the truly perplexing aspect is that we're not even fighting with the right weapons.
Pinot Noir is one of those perplexing wines it is classy elegant and at times a little shy.
And the most perplexing question of confirming not tort suit is the interests question of it.
Mr.BuLang see the instance is not very good, he dont recoil or recoil all the people perplexing.
布朗先生的情况看起来非常严重, 令人怀疑他是否会退缩。
Some fellow initiates suggested that the optimal solution to this perplexing problem was to keep cats.
Most perplexing and disquieting are the reports of mobilisation of Russian, Austrian and German troops.
With the help of such a perplexing concept, the paper tries to seek the possibility of a final animadvert on the transcendental logic in aesthetics. His later philosophy aims at eliminating this kind of transcendental logic.

单词 perplexing 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.复杂的,令人困惑的  [更多..]



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