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单词 pause 例句大全,用单词pause造句:

There was an embarrassing pause on stage and the audience began to titter.
Andy takes this as a cue to amble over. Heywood and Jigger pause, watching.
接着缓步走上前来, 海沃德和齐格停下来, 看着。
Skip Tracks Backwards and Forwards, Play, Pause, and Eject are all standard.
The object image position is determined freely by random pause of brushwork.
Some say, Hot easy to make people agitated, can not pause to do a good thing!
有人说, 天气热易让人心烦气躁, 静不下心好好做一件事情!
You pause dramatically, and then you give the branch a single vigorous shake.
Press button to start recording Press it again to temporarily pause recording
按此键开始录像, 再按一次即停止录像
To be able to stop or pause encoding, click the encoder button on the taskbar.
A brief pause gives the audience time to recognize the humor and then react to it.
If this sounds familiar, take a deep breath and pause for a moment before you start.
Each attend an important occasion, I will pause to pick the right pair of high heels.
每次出席重要的场合, 我都会静心地挑选一双合适的高跟鞋。
Perhaps the vivid memory arises just because of a trip, a second's meditation or a pause.
There was no cessation, but the regular moment's pause, in the utterance of these sounds.
After a short pause, the device management applet should load and display the login screen.
在短的停留后, 设备管理附属程序应该装载和显示登录画面。
She said yes, but there was a pause before she accepted and her enthusiasm seemed luke warm.
她答应了, 但是答应之前愣了一下而且显得并不热心。
On a sunny day it can pause in a sheltered spot and breathe a promise of spring and violets.
Use your pause button and repeat sentences that you hear, trying to match the pronunciation.
使用暂停键, 重复你听到的句子, 尽量模仿发音。
He was on for hours, segueing from one song to the next without so much as a pause for applause.
When watching an instant replay, you can use the arrow keys to fwd rew pause reverse the replay.
Before moving on, it would be good to hit the pause button for a minute to emphasize a few points.
在继续之前, 最好暂停一下, 先来着重强调几点。
His body did not even jerk when the shots hit him, the tortured breathing continued without a pause.
它中枪时身子并不震动, 痛苦的喘息仍继续不断。
The sun apparently again a day in pause, then return to overdo friendly intercourse north ambulation.
An appreciable pause fell after I had closed the doors, a pause that must have lasted fully a minute.
在我关上门后, 有一个意味深长的静默, 足足有一分钟之久。
Jackson suggests to return bullet repayment of capital to pause, but decline suddenly originally accept.
杰克逊建议将子弹归还本顿, 但本顿谢绝接受。
Developed by Friendlyway AG and shop-fitters Hansa Kontor Group, Friend@Call uses sensors to detect puzzled shoppers who pause in front of particular products.

单词 pause 释义



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