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单词 pause 例句大全,用单词pause造句:

There was a pause, then his high clear voice came again.
There is a brief pause while we order lunch from the bar.
I have come to see certain truths that now give me pause.
By becoming still, we cause others to pause, pay attention.
因为变得安静, 我们会使其他人暂停下来, 开始注意。
Tess blushed a little, but still did not pause in her work.
苔丝微微有些脸红, 但仍没有停下手里的活计。
There was a pause. Then Ursula broke into faltering challenge.
Fed May Raise Rates, Then Pause, Biggest Bond Trading Firms Say
And the heart must pause to breathe, And love itself have rest.
这颗心必须停下喘息, 爱也必须停歇。
I made the classic mistake of clapping in a pause in the music!
I would like to make a pause in my talk, and continue afterwards.
暂时谈到这里, 午饭后再继续。
PAUSE Suspends processing of a batch file and displays a message.
暂停执行批处理文件, 并显示一条消息。
His recent behavior has given her pause about their relationship.
A pause or breathing at a point of rhythmic division in a melody.
After a comical pause, he was asked if his side would bounce back.
There was a brief pause, an air of momentary mutual embarrassment.
停顿了有那么一小会儿, 气氛让双方片刻间都感到尴尬。
Tessa and Bill pause to catch their breath by the side of the river.
She had no renal colic, haematuria, pyuria or pause in urine stream.
There was a long pause and he spoke drawlingly, bitingly in the dark.
经过相当久的一番踌躇,他才慢吞吞地 尖刻地说起话来。
But the pause was brief, for the blind man again issued his commands.
但他们的停顿是短暂的, 因为瞎子立刻又发出了新的命令。
A breath sucked in,then a pause, then wet breath dropped out heavily.
There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates in front of us.
After an awkward pause, they returned to the rest of the family and sat.
Pause the cursor over the front face, and then click when it highlights.
请将游标暂停在正面之上, 在它亮显时按一下。
Longer pause while all this is absorbed, then a final voice, scouse, quiet
话音落后,一片死寂 良久一个沧桑的声音响起
Dad, why did the athlete pause for a while after he lifted the barbell up?

单词 pause 释义



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