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单词 lifespan 例句大全,用单词lifespan造句:

The problem concerns the average lifespan of civilization advanced enough to be capable of such communication.
The average lifespan of the contemporaryhas been extended by the technology advancement and quality promotion of life.
The research did not address any effects of longer lifespan on the current effort to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system.
At first the author expatiates on meaning of appraising gender and age, thencalculating the obituary age and average lifespan.
This had the affect of shortening the slave race lifespan along with the diseases and ailments that had already become prevalent.
这缩短了奴隶族的寿命, 并产生了各种已经很盛行的病患。
Back then, 13 years ago, we didn't have the ability to look inside the living human brain and track development across the lifespan.

单词 lifespan 释义

  • 单词释义:(人或动物的)寿命;存在期;使用期;有效期  [更多..]



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