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单词 lifespan 例句大全,用单词lifespan造句:

They said it was the longest lifespan extension achieved in any organism.
他们声称, 这是有机体寿命延长方面所取得的最高纪录。
Until now, people have converted all that extra lifespan into leisure time.
迄今为止, 人们把这些增加的寿命全部变成了休闲时间。
Password expiration policies are used to manage the lifespan of a password.
Relation ship between the size and tincture or helix of auricle and lifespan
The year 2100 is only four generations away, keeping the same human lifespan.
按同样的人类寿命计算, 距离2100年只有四代。
Lower Start current, Less power consumption will expand battery cell lifespan.
Stabile Output Power strengthens Lamp Lifespan and keep color temper coherence.
Decreased the time the AI stays engaged on walls to increase lifespan of units.
下降的时候, 爱停留从事墙壁上, 以增加寿命的单位。
Adequate nutrition is the absolute foundation for health throughout the lifespan.
在整个生命过程中, 足够的营养是健康的最根本基础。
With the average lifespan, marriage and childbearing ages all continuing to rise.
Mathematical Relationship between the Survival Rate and the Lifespan of the Animal
Exactly how much a Mediterranean diet can extend lifespan depends on a person's age.
Most cartridge has a lifespan, when reaching the age, you should change ink cartridge.
Improves Technology of Constructing Furnace to Raise Lining Lifespan of Induction Furnace
Once formed, tropical cyclones can have a lifespan varying from a few days to a few weeks.
These policies may then be changed by an administrator over the lifespan of an application.
This field endeavors to promote health and wellness across an individual's entire lifespan.
The two main strikes against it its not energy efficient and has a relatively short lifespan.
When the server decrypts the authenticator, it checks the authenticators lifespan and timestamp.
Effect of the extract of polygonum multiflorum thunb. on the lifespan of drosophila melanogaster
Never before have expectations been so high about what human beings can achieve with their lifespan.
但同时 人们也从未对自己的短暂一生 有过这么高的期待
We have strategies in place for protecting the effectiveness and lifespan of existing interventions.
With the durable construction, Ninja Racing Capsule Filter will simply outlive the lifespan of your car.
与耐用建设, 忍者赛车胶囊就比过滤你的车的寿命。
Those differences of adult lifespan, period before laying eggs and the rate of hatching eggs were not obvious.
而成虫寿命, 产卵前期, 卵孵化率差异都不显著。
Theyre also essential to assuring the highest gloss, deepest shine, and longest lifespan from your cars paint.
他们也能保证光度的光洁, 度的光亮和长久的效果。

单词 lifespan 释义

  • 单词释义:(人或动物的)寿命;存在期;使用期;有效期  [更多..]



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