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单词 life 例句大全,用单词life造句:

Life organ ization adopt single direction regulate, life unify, steady and turn to move vivid.
I still need to frequently open the life of the notebook, and make note of the absence of life.
I admire her for she is the one who gave me life and who loves me from the beginning of my life.
Shadowmasters Pact Drains life from your body and heals an ally with the amount of life you lose.
Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications.
英特尔产品不打算用于医疗, 救生, 或生命维持应用。
Life has no conditions, no moments that are not instantly becoming something more than life itself.
Work cannot accompany with you for your life, but your husband and children can accompany your life!
Such social life as torments human life is an abuse and atrocity against the nobility of human life.
The Same Value for the Life and the Different Value for the Life under the Concept of the Life Value
The Same Value for the Life and the Different Value for the Life under the Concept of the Life Value.
The hearth and hearth bottom life of blast furnace is one of the key factors affecting blast furnace life.
It is that strong interest of life in a child that keep his life glisten compared to the life of an adult.
正因孩子对生命还有浓厚的兴趣, 所以他们的人生异常闪亮。
The relation between fire and lamp is somewhat like that between the universal life and the individual life.
Menopause is the important period in our life.It is also the agedness in life, as well as the disaster time.
Life and death are in one line. Life is struggle, while death is rest. Life is activity, while death is sleep.
A trip of big, cut through life of hopeless situation, in the body flavor wear arrive a kind of new life of state!
Students are advised to register with a GP nearby.Student Life Campus social life revolves around the Students Union.
学校有许多运动俱乐部, 是英国大学运动协会的一员。
The most valuable thing in our life is that we should adopt an optimistic, sanguine, magnanimous attitude towards life.
When you persevere in faith throughout your life, without begrudging your life, you can attain Buddhahood in this lifetime.
当你不自惜身命, 持续一生的信心时, 你可以达到一生成佛。
stomach is channal for absorbing nutrition for life. thus it is part of life. sometimes, it is necessary to recede life for working!
Ordinary people cannot appreciate the joy of mundane life, that's because they do not love life, they've made their lives banal, stuffy, and humdrum.
We are living not to become putrid like vegetation, not to lead a befuddled life as if drunk or in a dream, not to fritter life away. We must amount to something.
If you want to lead a casual life, then you can only live ordinarily; if you want to lead a brilliant life, you can only live painfully. If you want to live a long life, you can only live simply.
Enjoying an idle life is certainly cheaper than enjoying a luxury one. To enjoy an idle life, one only needs an artist's disposition, loitering away a leisured afternoon in a completely carefree mood.
Man of benevolence and lofty ideals should not, at the expense of benevolence, cling cravenly to life instead of braving death. He will, on the contrary, lay down his life for the accomplishment of benevolence.
志士仁人, 无求生以害仁, 有杀身以成仁。

单词 life 释义

  • 单词释义:生活,生计;生命,性命;一生,寿命;人生,尘世  [更多..]



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