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单词 life 例句大全,用单词life造句:

From life, than life and strong in life, only easier to move people's hearts.
源于生活, 高于生活, 浓于生活, 才容易打动人们得心。
Advocating modern leisure life conception, and creating elegant life attitude.
Beverage platform is the stage of my life, the white chalk is my life brushes.
三尺讲台是我的人生舞台, 白色粉笔是我的人生画笔。
You have to suppose a future life to redress the balance of life have on earth.
Quick! Begin your life! Spend everyday as if you were spending your whole life.
快!开始生活吧, 把每一天当作一生来度过。
It's really hard to face serious life if you are addicted to a life of pleasure.
Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.
I will badger with you for a life time, I will devote all my life to loving you.
Thirdly, educational life should accommodate to social life and children's life.
Courtyard on canal bank, proposes countryside hermit life under modern life mode.
运河岸上的院子, 倡导现代生活方式下的田园居士生活。
To crush the sham of life with gun. To annotate the essence of life with friendship!
To crush the shan of life with gun, To annotate the essence of life with friendship!
用枪支粉碎生活中的虚伪, 用友情来诠释生命中的真谛!
Concerned about is the moisture of the nectar of life, bathing the sunshine of life.
Learning habits developed during one's students life would benefit one's whole life.
It is proposed that the BF life prolong should be based on coordination of bath life.
Learn to absorb the mental and moral life of a book, and assimilate it into your life.
学会吸收书中的精神和生活道德, 并融合到你自己的生活中。
It is the truest life scene and the best life civilization where life bourn is rested.
Application of Stepping Stress Acceleration Life Test in Forecasting Primer Storage Life
Modaoren revels in painting all his life, and painting accompanies all his life as well.
墨道人一生酷爱画画, 画画也伴随着他的一生。
Social life is becoming indispensable distinguished personages viewpoint in modern life.
These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.
Learn to absorb the mental and the moral life of a book, and assimilate it into your life.
学着去吸收书中的道德情操, 直至彻底领悟于现实生活当中。
Although life can never avoid disappointments, we still appreciate the experience of life.
虽然生活难免带来失望, 但是生活的历练依然让我们感激。
Equitable Life, the mutual life assurer that closed to new business in 2000, did not fail.
Political life, economical life, culture life have a strong relationship between each other.

单词 life 释义

  • 单词释义:生活,生计;生命,性命;一生,寿命;人生,尘世  [更多..]



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