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单词 like 例句大全,用单词like造句:

I like sport and like make friends, the reson is I'm Aries I think.
我喜欢运动, 喜欢交朋友, 我想大概因为我是白羊座的缘故吧。
Would you like an aisle seat? I'd like to have a seat by the window.
Would you like me to tell you what this little angel looks like now?
Be like Like the big cucumber like finger, bullet aubergine, readily
如手指般大的黄瓜, 弹丸似的茄子, 一口。
I enjoy pubs and clubs and I like nights and out and I like children.
我喜欢酒吧和俱乐部, 我喜欢夜出, 我喜欢孩子。
Why are you acting like it's no big deal, like it happens all the time?
为什么装得没事 好像很正常?
Let like be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.
Do not think you like the golden cudgel like a long Ah, I'm afraid of you.
They sharpen their tongues like swords aim their words like deadly arrows.
Man appears like a peacock, tempers like a bull and behaves like a stud.
Love is like two like a rainbow arc, and can fit together to form a circle.
New color, safari colorways, like you are in the Africa, hope you like them!
Some people like to cover Tibet Tibetan mask, and some people like to argue.
有得人喜欢藏藏掩掩, 有得人喜欢辩解。
which is like, you know, is like very high concept and everything like that.
I felt like his acting was really sincere, and um I I felt like I was touched.
The spring is like the explosion, like the dynamite that can push these apart.
弹簧就如同爆炸, 像使它们分离的炸药。
If it looks like crap, smells like crap, and feels like crap, it must be crap.
如果它看起来像屎, 闻起来像屎, 摸起来像屎, 那么它必定是屎。
It looks like women may be acting like animals as well in the same sort of way.
Well, is it, like, a little annoying, or is it like when Phoebe chews her hair?
Appearance of the United States, like beauty, like the Dowager Concubine Yang ?
It feels like anxiety, like a constant unsettling sense that something is wrong.
Like your heart the most aesthetic, like you in one fell swoop a romantic measures.
喜欢你内心最深的唯美, 喜欢你一举一措的浪漫。
Snow is like ice cream. It's soft like cotton candy and white like the rabbit's fur.
Behaving more like a child and less like an adult will have amazing benefits for you.
A good apology is like an antibiotic a bad apology is like rubbing salt in the wound.
好的道歉就像抗生素, 而糟糕的道歉就像在伤口上撒盐。

单词 like 释义

  • 单词释义:像;怎么样;(是)…样的人/事物;比如;与…一样;  [更多..]



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