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单词 nice 例句大全,用单词nice造句:

Both feature nice premium uppers and just the right amount of accent color.
This dress accentuates your nice figure! I set off these words by brackets.
Good functions, good bundle of accessories, good sound and a nice exterior.
很好的功能, 包装和配件, 优秀的声音和不错的外表。
Grapefruit has a lovely sweet smell and is a nice additive to body lotions.
葡萄柚有一种可爱的甜味, 是护肤液的很好添加物。
LifeHackers Adam Pash has a nice article on setting up a cordless workspace.
Sparkling mineral water with some nice added taste, vanilla vodka and cider.
太复杂, 暂且译为加了料的苏打水。
He appraised the Topaz with admiration. Nice looking schooner you got there.
And for Cao Yinghui, and Palmer nice cooperation will be of great advantage.
Sparkling mineral water with some nice added taste, vanilla vodka and cider.
Oh, um, it was nice. Took him to a romantic restraunt, ordered champagne, nice.
My pouring namely to feel very nice, but my mothers affirmation cant think so, alas.
Linda draw her little sister a nice cat. Linda draw a nice cat for her little sister.
Maggie Ok, to President Michael Aaron Seaver. Who Oh gosh, that has a nice ring to it.
With good quality and nice workmanship, our product get wide acclaim from the clients.
我们的产品品质保证, 做工精美, 深受使用客户的好评!
Girl who are not so beautiful but are nice girl want find a handsome nice and rich men.
Oh, what's wrong? He lives on a fixed income And he can't afford to pay for nice dinners.
他这么了,他是有固定收入 但他支付不起我们的晚餐钱。
The cheese will slowly melt into the soup, adding a nice flavor and some body to the broth.
干酪慢慢地融化在汤里, 使肉汤色香味俱全。
The relationships between the nearly nice compactness and the nice compactness are discussed.
In the absence of any air drag, I would get a nice parabola which will be completely symmetric.
He borrowed cash and installed a soda fountain and pretty soon he abundance nice less business.
My acquaintance confirmed that his fellow postmen were neither terribly nice nor terribly nasty.
For instance, it would be nice to be able to add or remove vocabulary terms when a node is added or deleted.
Therefore, conception is quite significant to accomplish a piece of relatively nice work of contradiction space.
所以, 要想完成一幅比较好的矛盾空间作品, 观念非常重要。
2 judgment. that equipoise, that nice adjustment of the faculties one to the other, which is called good judgment, is an essential to the speculator.
判断。平衡力, 判断的能力, 都叫优秀的判断, 这对投机者很关键。
She hasn’t been acting like herself lately and now all of a sudden she told me she wants some space and that she needs time to figure things out. I guess nice guys really do finish last.

单词 nice 释义

  • 单词释义:美好的,愉快的;正派的;友好的,亲切的;细致的  [更多..]



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