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单词 nature 例句大全,用单词nature造句:

Letting nature take its course allows you to experience the magic of nature and the Creator wonderful!
In the moment of the deepest abasement of Christ's Human Nature, the Divine bursts forth most brightly.
On Class Nature and National Nature of Political Civilization and Construction of Socialist Civilization
Such is ones nature in a dogmatic sense prior to initiation1024, or the dogmatic nature of ones persona.
Condensation, in other words, is metaphorical in its nature, and displacement is metonymic in its nature.
The nature of audit is economic authentication, while the nature of government audit is economic supervision.
审计的本质是经济鉴证, 国家审计的本质是经济监督。
Describe the state of nature as Rousseau conceives it. How does it differ from the state of nature in Hobbes.
The most of the jokes reveal the abnormal phenomenon in life. They have the nature of satire and entertaining.
笑话大多揭示的是生活中乖谬的现象, 具有讽刺性和娱乐性。
The form and nature of labor force dispatchment determine the nature of labor force dispatchment organization.
Molds through the female displays the human nature to be riotous, to human nature subject profound excavation.
In the link of petrifaction industry catenary, existence nature forestall and domain of blame nature forestall.
In His divine nature, Jesus is everywhere in His human nature, Jesus is in Heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament.
耶稣论天主性, 无所不在论人性, 也在天, 也在圣体内。
The third section is mainly about criticism of the destruction of human nature and the call of good human nature.
The position and nature of the cadres training determined that the party nature education is its perpetual motif.
The world of the beauty of sports personality is the combination of nature and wild nature and modern civilization.
Third, the progressive nature of economic development and domestic reform, the negative nature of contradictions.
Understand and Uphold the Class nature. The Advanced Nature, and the Mass Nature of the Chinese Communist Party Correctly
In essence, the nature of beauty it struggle to unveil is cognate with the nature of freedom long pursued by human beings.
In terms of the medicinal nature, herbs with cold nature belong to yin and those with warm and hot nature pertain to yang.
Discrimination between model nature and academic nature a study of the plastic deformation of single crystals of molybdenum
Research on Determining the Nature of the Crime that Persons with Certain Identity Abet or Help Others without the Identity.
Discussion the Aesthetic Views of Art and Nature of the Entrust Drift with Thing and Unity and Coherence Form Nature from Sushi
The Religious, Aesthetic, and Symbolic Nature of Chinese Characters and Their Spirit of Harmonious Union between Man and Nature
For correctly using principle nature and flexible nature, It is necessary to adhere to emancipation of thought and seeking truth from fact.
正确运用原则性和灵活性, 要坚持解放思想, 实事求是。
Charges that Man is ' playing God ' by controlling Nature are easily dismissed because, for as long as he has been able to intervene in nature, Man has been ' playing God '.

单词 nature 释义

  • 单词释义:自然;天性;天理;类型  [更多..]



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