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单词 nature 例句大全,用单词nature造句:

Transcendent nature of comparison and comparable nature of comparative literature
People who don't understand the nature of flowers won't be able to grow them well.
In this period, you have yet to lose your pure inherent nature, your Buddha nature.
在这时期, 本有的佛性还未失去, 清净的自性仍然存在。
The nature of the penalty depends on the nature and extent of misconduct by members.
The general humanist nature of teacher training asks the general nature of pedagogy.
Delicate and soft nature silk gives you comfort, and nature protein gives you health.
The wave nature of particls and the particle nature of waves are of utmost importance.
but at some point they had to at least suggest the abject nature of the bestial desire.
Nature abhors a vacuum, journalism even more so, and so it fills absence with windiness.
On the Nature of Broad Sense and the Asymmetric Nature of Current International Reserves
And when you think about nature, often you think about it as being all about competition.
当我们想到大自然 我们大部分想到的是竞争
It is ideal for those who love pastorale and nature, and seek a return to original nature!
非常适合喜欢田园风格, 爱好自然, 寻求返朴归真的人士!
Live and let live, be nature in nature. Killing of wildlife is destroying the human itself.
The nature of their psychological situation, and the consequential nature of their marriage.
Divine nature endows Whitman's pantheistic outlook on nature with complex and rich meanings.
Reflections on the Debate about Human Nature and Class Nature between Liang Shiqiu and Lu Xun
梁实秋, 鲁迅人性阶级性论争溯源
The eye is transitory by nature, visual objects, visual consciousness is transitory by nature.
A study shows that nature aborts not to increase the dangerous sex that contracts breast cancer.
There is not only formal nature but also substantive nature of the administrative procedure law.
摘要行政程序不仅具有形式性属性, 也具有实质性属性。
That the human nature of Christ, and not only His divine nature, existed before the Incarnation.
When getting along with the nature, adhere to mind of ease and return to authenticity and nature.
When the stream is collisional, the negative energy nature changes to negative dissipative nature.
Wangchong believes that human nature is generated by gas, arising from the intrinsic nature of gas.
We craft lights which possess the warmth of human nature and freshness of Mother Nature, with heart.
Attribute is manifested in the female perception, communication, nature, beauty and wisdom of nature.
而女性属性则表现为感知性 沟通性,美感性和智慧性。

单词 nature 释义

  • 单词释义:自然;天性;天理;类型  [更多..]



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