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单词 more 例句大全,用单词more造句:

And they say they are more violent than the boys more devious and more ruthless.
No more fighting, No more threats And no more parentteacher conferences with you.
Living in the abysms, I become more and more perplexed in the direction of beauty.
He demanded that they be better more candid, more equable, more capable of seeing.
只要求人比实际高尚些更正直, 更平心静气, 更能辨别是非。
Such, your on eyelid will become more stereo, look an eye more abstruse and bright.
这样, 你的上眼睑将变得更为立体, 看上去眼睛更深邃明亮。
Compared to uranium, thorium is far more abundant as well as much more energydense.
He demanded that they be better, more candid, more equable, more capable of seeing.
他要求他们高尚些 更正直,更平心静气,更能辨别是非。
Since 2003 the insurgency has grown more violent, more widespread and more complex.
Adopt special policies that are more flexible, more open, and more preferential than.
The more forward in life, you are more nostalgic, more gratitude for the good before.
人生越往前, 你越是怀旧, 越是感念以前的美好。
We experience more colds and coughs, more extreme weather, and drink more warm drinks.
我们更多的会想到感冒咳嗽, 更极端的气候及热乎乎的饮料。
Big businesses and governments are relying on clouds to make more data more accessible.
As oil gets scarcer and more expensive, nature gas will become more and more important.
随着石油的匮乏和价格上涨, 天然气就会变得越来越重要。
The more she explored, the more she became absorbed with the mystery of the environment.
Buddha said, people should learn to let go, put aside the more, the more that have more.
佛说, 人应该学会放手, 放下的越多, 越觉得拥有的更多。
As he began to earn more and more money, his personality became more and more egotistic.
Repetition for emphasis He wanted to send them more aid, more weapons and a few more men.
他想给他们增加些援助, 增添些武器, 增派些人员。
The more fears you face, the more you will grow, and the more successful you will become.
The more afraid you are and the more weakness you show, the more aggressive others will be.
The more mellifluous the singer, the more dexterous the harpist, the more mates he attracts.
歌手唱地越动听, 竖琴手弹地越灵巧, 他吸引到越多的配偶。
More pressure will create more compression damping, hold the bike up more, and pedal better.
高气压能够提供较多的压力衰减, 很难压下去, 踩踏起来更好。
If we think more, we will have more meaningful design and a more glorious life of clubhouse.
多一些思考, 设计会来得更有意义, 会所的生命也会更加灿烂。
More fights, more goals, more pain!Play with finesse or brutality to rule the streets.
More information, The American Academy of Ophthalmology has more about sports eye protection.
Alternative means of getting to work are more laborious, more costly or more timeconsuming.

单词 more 释义

  • 单词释义:更,更多;达到或处于更大的范围或程度;此外,更加  [更多..]



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