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单词 most 例句大全,用单词most造句:

Of all animated beings the hummingbird is the most elegant in form and the most brilliant in colors
London is the most famous tower bridge over the Thames river, is also the most spectacular Bridges.
Masonry structure experienced the most severe damage in earthquakes and causes the most casualties.
And then they're asked which one did you find most attractive,? which one are you most attracted to?
you are not afraid of a strong enemy, showing his own, is the most the most vigorous and brave!
Health and education are indeed the most prominent accomplishments most Cubans say they take pride in.
The Aegis combat system is one of the most advanced and most capable defense systems currently in use.
How is the suicide the most convenient, the most relaxed and still wont does complicity arrive of other
怎么自杀是最方便, 最轻松而且还不会连累到他人的?
European parties are again raising and exalting what is most sordid and most barbarous in human nature.
Secondly,they are for the peasants,the most numerous and most steadfast of our allies in the revolution.
Peace is one of the most valuable assets and safeguarding peace through dialogues is the most dependable.
他说, 和平最可贵, 通过对话争取和维护和平最可靠。
Breast enlargement was the most popular operation for women, while liposuction was the next most popular.
隆胸是妇女中最常见的手术, 抽脂次之。
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and the most common cause of microcytic anaemia.
Toupai the most disgusting incident, the most hateful clandestine phototaking, those poor innocent people!
最讨厌偷拍事件, 最憎恨偷拍行为, 可怜那些无辜的人们!
But to me, what's most baffling and most tragic about this is that it misses the whole point of being human.
对我来说 最大的悲剧是 它让我们错失了身为人的珍贵意义
The icons people most admire today are usually film and TV stars who are most highly publicized by the media.
Most flickers have a white rump, Black Breast Band, and varied head markings, and most are about 11 in. long.
Just as filial piety being the most basic moral quality, filial piety education is the most basic moral education.
Most of the people you deal with will dislike, disparage, belittle, or ignore what you say or do most of the time.
Most bills envisage compensation of some sort for dirty industries, which would suffer most from an emissions cap.
These levels include, from the most subjective to the most rigorous phenomenological reality, truth, fact, and axiom.
这些层面, 从最主观到最严格现象实相, 真相, 事实和公理。
The most effective way of taking most asthma treatments is to inhale the medicine so it gets straight into your lungs.
With the generous backing of a magazine I write for sometimes, I decided to sample the very best, or most expensive, or most coveted item.
凭借一份我常投稿的杂志慷慨赞助 我决定在数十个大类中
Only the most foolish or the most callous would not understand the grief that has really gripped our people and millions across the world.
At Montgomery Blair, most of the magnet stu-dents are upper-middle class and white; most of the students in the regular school are minorities or immigrants.

单词 most 释义

  • 单词释义:最,最多(大);much的最高级;非常,很;几乎  [更多..]



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