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单词 most 例句大全,用单词most造句:

Flesh Wound is the most gruesome, most graphic, most disgusting magic trick ever.
Abstract Thermal cycle is the most usual and the most efficient screening mode of ESS.
摘要温度循环是环境应力筛选中最常用, 最有效的筛选模式。
Avarice is the most realistic poverty while satisfaction is the most realistic wealth.
贪婪是最真实的贫穷, 满足是最真实的财富。
The most important and most basic characteristic of American culture is individualism.
It's the most spectacular season for titles for the most valuable player Allan iverson.
这是今年的最有价值球员阿伦埃弗森? ? 最佳的一个赛季。
In these books we are not only most agreeably entertained, but most usefully instructed.
这些书我们不但读起来津津有味, 而且还从中得到许多好处。
Of all animated beings this is the most elegant in form and the most brilliant in colors
Aquatic foods are among the most highly valued and most perishable of all food products.
Of all eloquence a nickname is the most concise, of all arguments the most unanswerable.
As the most prestigious Paris couture house, Dior attracted the most talented assistants.
Introduction Mary bloke like most of the food we eat apples, like most animals are sheep.
You probably already know that black absorbs the most heat, while white reflects the most.
On history, the cattle mildest and the most fragrant conscription propagate a slogan most!
The most mentally sharp older adults are the ones who show this positivity effect the most.
老年组里思维最敏捷的 恰恰是最积极的
Most ebooks are checked out in the evenings, when most brickandmortar libraries are closed.
Now we have the most beautiful village school house, is the most beautiful places on campus.
In on international is called is most advanced, most economical guards against false marking.
在国际上被称为是最先进, 最经济的防伪标识。
For a woman, the most capricious maybe her face, for a man, the most capricious is his heart!
That meant they were the most callous and the most aggressive of the entire prison population.
也就是说他们是所有犯人里 最冷酷和冲动的 一群人。
Astrid My mother was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was also the most dangerous.
On history, the cattle, the mildest and the most fragrant conscription propagate a slogan most!
The most obvious and most reliable way of avoiding pregnancy is complete abstinence from coitus.
The equal rights amendment, as it was called, was supported by most congressmen and most states.
Ruins are the most obvious sign of ancient Athens, and the most famous of these is the Acropolis.
You know, most frightening, most authentic, most accurate visualization of a scientific principle.

单词 most 释义

  • 单词释义:最,最多(大);much的最高级;非常,很;几乎  [更多..]



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