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单词 serenity 例句大全,用单词serenity造句:

If you want to move toward serenity, you will be required to move out of the complaining phase of its not fair.
要想寻求心灵的平静, 你必须摆脱抱怨世道不公的心态。
Myanmar People are known for their generosity, simple hospitality and with a blend of serenity And friendliness.
An atmosphere of serenity and solemnity pervaded the venue, as my schoolmates were extremely touched by my recitation.
Today, as increasing numbers of disaffected Bangkok residents abandon the chaotic capital for the relative serenity of the north, the country's second-largest city is enjoying a mini renaissance.

单词 serenity 释义

  • 单词释义:安详;宁静;尊贵的阁下;平静  [更多..]



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