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单词 serenity 例句大全,用单词serenity造句:

Create a life plan that embraces serenity, beauty, spontaneity, and time for fun.
制作一个拥有宁静, 美丽, 自然, 有趣的生活计划。
When I see the symbols of the rainbow and the dove, I think of personal serenity.
当我看到 彩虹和和平鸽的象征我内心感到平静
The ability to have the serenity to read the biases and failures in your own mind.
Historically, the Eastern tradition has found the serenity that comes of inner calm.
纵观历史, 东方历史曾发现从容来自于内心的平静。
In fact, amiability and serenity is the reflection of the reasoning in ideal society.
The breeze was chilly, but I strode along, trying to recapture the serenity I needed.
In all this great serenity of ocean it is seldom that we espy so much as another ship.
在这平静的大海上, 我们难得看见其它船只。
Surprise yourself by admiring the changing seasons, sunrise or sunset, in all serenity.
External Infiltration and Political Disputes Breaking the Religion Serenity of Cambodia
In all this great serenity of ocean it is seldom that they espy so much as another ship.
在平静的大海上, 他们难得见到其他船只。
Midnight serenity, came the faint thoughts condensed water plants reach the silent place.
Each day, I focus on peace and serenity rather than allow negative emotions to take control.
WHEN YOU CONTACT US and note a happy sense of serenity, well, the lakes ambience explains it.
Please remember the original serenity, intimacy and firmness that we used to have in our life
还记得当我们在平静, 亲近, 坚定的生活中吗。
Emotions run skin deep within our human race, logic offers a serenity humans seldom experience.
人类难以掩藏感情, 逻辑带来平静, 地球人很少能体会。
Music expresses, at different moments, serenity or exuberance, regret or triumph, fury or delight.
音乐在不同的时刻表达沉静或兴奋, 懊恼或成功, 愤怒或喜悦。
Our all day dining room set among the serenity of our gardens and lotus pond offer taste tempting.
我们每天都在饭厅集园林, 安宁的莲花池, 提供美味诱人。
The quartering of a few troops in the vicinity did not seem to have disturbed the rustic serenity.
People gradually come to notice that the serenity, nimbus and cultural legacy in Bali have decayed.
人们慢慢察觉, 巴厘岛的宁静, 灵气与文化遗产渐渐变质。
Perhaps it would have been better to have a bit less serenity, and to have been closer to the truth.
或许不那么平静会好一些, 或许更接近真实会更好一些。
I believe in the possibility of surprising joy, of serenity through pain, of homecoming through exile.
Angel Such a brightness Such a serenity Is it the scattering moon light? Or just the Angel coming down?
Icons are destined both to reflect and evoke prayerful concentration and serenity in communication with God.
absorption of traditional artistic expressive techniques, combing nobility and serenity, fiction and reality.
吸收传统艺术表现手法, 做到动静, 虚实结合。
The Star can be generous, opening the heart to give to others, with such actions bringing peace and serenity.

单词 serenity 释义

  • 单词释义:安详;宁静;尊贵的阁下;平静  [更多..]



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