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单词 seeming 例句大全,用单词seeming造句:

On either side were slender pine trees, almost seeming to meet over the roadway.
And the younger daughter, seeming to live a carefree, is a single mother in fact.
而当演员得小女儿看似生活无忧, 其实是个未婚妈妈。
Behind all agreement lies something amiss All seeming accord cloaks a lurking abyss.
在众人皆同意的表象下, 必然有一些被误解或忽略的事。
And so ascension makes possible the seeming impossible in the current human paradigm.
因此在当前人类范例中, 提升使看似不可能的成为可能。
Be covering that face seeming to have met before, be fearing to irradiate onlyly in dark.
Bin Ladens seeming temperance made his manifest bloodymindedness all the harder to fathom.
His Gao Yi Jiao low feet downwards wade to, feels the true facts seeming ready to all over.
他高一脚低一脚往下走去, 只觉真相呼之欲出。
There are still more who have tasted the bitters by mistaking seeming beauties for happiness.
更多的人把表面上美丽的事情当作快乐, 因而尝到了苦果。
This physiognomy was strangely composed, it began by seeming humble, and ended by seeming severe.
这相貌是稀有的, 一眼看去象是谦卑, 看到后来, 却又严肃。
Amid the turmoil and tumult of battle, there may be seeming disorder and yet no real disorder at all
纷纷纭纭, 斗乱而不可乱
More often than not the energy they expend on seeming impressive makes their actual performance worse.
The seeming solution would be to make clear to consumers exactly how much their credit cards are costing them.
Desdemona. I am not merry but I do beguile The thing I am, by seeming otherwise. Come, how wouldst thou praise me
苔丝狄蒙娜我虽然心里愁闷, 姑且强作欢容。来, 你怎麽赞美我
The moonlight shines on into the window, everything in the grass shed like threw on the silver shag, seeming to be particularly nice and secluded.
Mr.Clinton campaigned with passion and seeming abandon, hoping that his campaign had now bottomed out after the furor over his draft history and was on the upswing.
Most people see differences and are sharp. I alone make no distinctions, seeming aimless, drifting as the sea, like the wind blowing about, seemingly without destination.
It describes the lead-gray sky pressing down upon us. It describes the fire smoldering in the hearth, mysteriously seeming to suck every bit of warmth out of the bleak, dank room.

单词 seeming 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.表面上的n.外观  [更多..]



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